

TecStore's range of commercial robots are world-class automated machines with Artificial Intelligence. They are tried, tested and proven to assist businesses improve efficiency, increase reliability and reduce operating costs by automating repetitive tasks, thereby freeing your staff team to focus on delivering customer service and enhancing the customer experience.

Applications range from tray delivery robots at restaurants, bar and hotels, guidance robots that lead visitors to the desired point in your building, industrial robots that can carry and deliver heavier loads such as luggage, files and parts, and cleaning robots for large floor areas. Multi-lingual voice and touchscreen operation. Advanced navigation sensors. Self-charging ability. Options for single-floor and multi-floor environments with optional controls for doors and lifts / elevators.

Take a look through our popular commercial robots below. To discuss your requirements with a product expert or request a quote call us on 020 8936 7000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm) or use our Online Enquiry Form.

New Products For November